How do I check if a value is a valid IP address in Python using regular expressions?
Rashid D
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To check if a value is a valid IP address in Python using regular expressions, you can utilize there module and a regular expression pattern. Regular expressions provide powerful pattern matching capabilities to validate the format of an IP address. Here's an example of how you can perform this check:


import re

def is_valid_ip_address(value):
    pattern = r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$'
    match = re.match(pattern, value)
    if match:
   octets = value.split('.')
   if all(0 <= int(octet) <= 255 for octet in octets):
  return True
    return False

# Usage:
input_address = input("Enter an IP address: ")
if is_valid_ip_address(input_address):
    print("The IP address is valid.")
    print("The IP address is not valid.")

In the above code, theis_valid_ip_address() function takes avalue parameter representing the IP address to check. It uses there.match() function to match the value against the regular expression patternr'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$'. The pattern breakdown: -^ asserts the start of the string. -(\d{1,3}\.){3} matches three sets of one to three digits followed by a dot. -\d{1,3} matches one to three digits. -$ asserts the end of the string. If the match is successful, the function proceeds to split the IP address into octets using thesplit() method. It then checks if all octets are within the valid range of 0 to 255 using theall() function and a generator expression. If all octets pass this range check, the function returnsTrue, indicating that the IP address is valid. Otherwise, it returnsFalse. You can use theis_valid_ip_address() function by providing an IP address as a string. It will check if the value is a valid IP address based on the regular expression pattern and octet range validation. The result is then printed accordingly. Please note that this approach validates the format and octet range of the IP address. However, it does not check if the IP address is assigned or reachable. If you require more advanced IP address validation, including network and host validations, you may need to use additional libraries or external services specifically designed for IP address validation.

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