How can I check if a string contains only printable characters and whitespace in Python?
Gable E
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To check if a string contains only printable characters and whitespace in Python, you can use various approaches. Here's a long-form explanation of different methods to accomplish this: 1. Using String Methods and Unicode Ranges: - One approach is to iterate over each character in the string using afor loop and check if each character falls within the printable ASCII character range or is a whitespace character. - Use theord() function to obtain the Unicode code point of each character. - Compare the Unicode code point against the ranges of printable ASCII characters (from 32 to 126) and the Unicode code point of whitespace characters (such as space, tab, newline, etc.). - If any character falls outside these ranges, returnFalse. If all characters are printable or whitespace characters, returnTrue. - Example:


def contains_only_printable_and_whitespace(string):
    for char in string:
   code_point = ord(char)
   if not (32 <= code_point <= 126) and not char.isspace():
  return False
    return True

2. Using Regular Expressions: - Regular expressions can be used to match and validate the format of the string. - Import there module and define a regular expression pattern that matches only printable characters and whitespace. - The patternr'^[ -~\t\n\r]+$' matches a string consisting of one or more printable ASCII characters, spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns. - Use there.match() function to check if the entire string matches the pattern.

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