How can I check if a list is empty in Python using a conditional expression?
Ava W
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To check if a list is empty in Python using a conditional expression, you can utilize the truthiness of the list itself. Since an empty list evaluates toFalse in a boolean context, you can use it directly in a conditional expression. Here's an example of how you can perform this check:


my_list = []

if not my_list:
    print("The list is empty.")
    print("The list is not empty.")

In the above code, thenot keyword is used to negate the truthiness of the listmy_list. When the list is empty, it evaluates toFalse, and theif condition is satisfied, printing "The list is empty." If the list is not empty, it evaluates toTrue, and theelse block is executed, printing "The list is not empty." By using thenot keyword in the conditional expression, you can check if the list is empty without explicitly comparing its length or checking for equality with an empty list (my_list == [] orlen(my_list) == 0). You can apply this conditional expression in any scenario where you need to check if a list is empty before performing further actions or implementing specific logic. Remember that an empty list evaluates toFalse in a boolean context, while a non-empty list evaluates toTrue.

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